One Year
Hi readers,
While I have some fun updates and posts in the works (among others: banning expanded polystyrene foam food packaging in Portland, Maine, say what?!) I have to take a second, step back and realize that holy cow…it’s been a year. A year since, um…what?
Today, September 27, marks the day I left Midway Atoll, ending my 4 month stay on that incredible set of islands. I hit a turning point there, where I truly came to realize what it means to have an impact on something. My volunteer experience only cemented in my mind the idea that this is what I to do: see the problem, figure out how it’s happening, then tell the world. OK, so maybe I haven’t gotten to world-status yet, but I’m working on it. 😉
In any case, while today marks a bittersweet day, Maine is pulling out all the stops to ensure that I don’t forget that it’s these New England states I missed so much last year, while in the Pacific. Here’s to more fun adventures! 🙂