
Serving Up Success (One Plant At a Time)

Last night I went to a film screening of the documentary “Eating You Alive” a feature length film about the science behind why we’re dealing with such prevalent chronic illness in North America, why we’re being fed the wrong information about food, and how a whole-food, plant-based lifestyle can have a tremendous, positive impact on…

Flying Above Plastics

Good news! Recently, Portugese airline Hi Fly announced that it would offer four (count ’em!) flights from Lisbon to Brazil. Seems like pretty standard stuff…planes take off every day Ryan, what’s so special about this news? Oh just that all passengers flying aboard these planes would receive no single-use plastics during the entire flight, that’s…

The Kootenay Co-Op: A Community Haven

The Kootenay Co-Op: A Community Haven

Success story time! I recently traveled to Nelson, BC – a place revered by environmentalists the world over (apparently – I’m new to Canada and still learning the ropes) and while there, we frequented a non-chain grocery store called The Kootenay Co-op, which is an independent cooperative grocery store in the downtown region. The experience…

Full Circle Muffins

Full Circle Muffins

Today in Kelowna, the sun decided to hide. Rather than also hide (under the covers) I decided to seize the day and make something bright, colorful, and delicious. Or rather, two something’s…both fitting all those criteria. Having spent just about my entire life living in places that experience a dramatic drop in sunshine as the…

Conquer the Cloud

Do you ever wake up on the absolute wrong side of the bed? Like, you’re so far over that you might as well just go back, curl up, and wait for tomorrow? Everything sucks, the world sucks, why am I even bothering, I’m tired, achy, and grumpy…and it’s raining. Ugh! Life! And then…and then. It’s…