refill revolution

Food, Flip-Flops, Refills, Oh My! – Five Hopeful Wins For the Planet (On Wednesday)

Food, Flip-Flops, Refills, Oh My! – Five Hopeful Wins For the Planet (On Wednesday)

Who else blinked and experienced autumn, all of a sudden? *waves hand wildly* I can’t say I mind: here in BC, we were the unfortunate recipients of a record-breaking heatwave, severe wildfires, and some crispy drought conditions for most of the summer. Only in September did things start to calm down again, and we were…

Stories of Hope: The Downfall of Disposable Plastics

Stories of Hope: The Downfall of Disposable Plastics

Hello readers and welcome back to Wake-Up Wednesday Wins, this time featuring more weekend! This week, all our stories relate to the demise of single-use plastics. Something that this blogger is quite giddy about! (Yes, that’s right – you’re reading about the wins not on a Wednesday, but on the cusp of a weekend. And,…

Recycling will never be a good solution…as long as we have 10-cent bottle returns!

Recycling will never be a good solution…as long as we have 10-cent bottle returns!

I was reminded today of the fallacy of recycling. (So dramatic, I know…stay with me – this one’s a thinker. 😇 ) One of my favourite refilleries in town posted a fun video to social media they made of their staff running away from plastic packaging as it chased them around the store. It made…

Marching Into the Week with Planet-Saving Awesomeness

Marching Into the Week with Planet-Saving Awesomeness

Hello friends! Welcome to another edition of Wake-Up Wednesday Wins…remember those? (hears an echo across the Internet…) The theme? Planet-saving awesomeness (what else?)! I’m not quite sure where February went, but here we are: three days into March. It’s a fresh month with a whole lotta opportunity for winnin’. So, let’s get down to it!…