The Stories

Food, Flip-Flops, Refills, Oh My! – Five Hopeful Wins For the Planet (On Wednesday)

Food, Flip-Flops, Refills, Oh My! – Five Hopeful Wins For the Planet (On Wednesday)

Who else blinked and experienced autumn, all of a sudden? *waves hand wildly* I can’t say I mind: here in BC, we were the unfortunate recipients of a record-breaking heatwave, severe wildfires, and some crispy drought conditions for most of the summer. Only in September did things start to calm down again, and we were…

combatting feelings of eco-anxiety by turning off technology and laying in a hammock overlooking a beautiful lake with trees in the background on a blue sky day

What Is Eco-Anxiety? Plus Three More Strategies For Success

Wow! Friends! Two weeks ago I wrote about eco-anxiety and it seemed to strike a chord with you. Turns out, we’re probably all suffering some form of the latest and greatest mental health challenge. Other terms I heard bandied around: climate stress and eco-grief. I also heard from some of you about how you’re working…

a view of Zelaney Farms fields with vegetable crops in the foreground and a sloping mountain in the background, against a blue sky. no eco-anxiety here!

Three Ways to Combat Eco-Anxiety In Spite of All Things

Hello readers, and welcome to another week of WINS. Yup – you heard that right. In spite of everything, I’m here to highlight three positive things to help combat eco-anxiety, something I imagine we are all feeling right now. Here in BC, it feels like the entire province is on fire. There is civil unrest…

Stories of Hope: The Downfall of Disposable Plastics

Stories of Hope: The Downfall of Disposable Plastics

Hello readers and welcome back to Wake-Up Wednesday Wins, this time featuring more weekend! This week, all our stories relate to the demise of single-use plastics. Something that this blogger is quite giddy about! (Yes, that’s right – you’re reading about the wins not on a Wednesday, but on the cusp of a weekend. And,…

Recycling will never be a good solution…as long as we have 10-cent bottle returns!

Recycling will never be a good solution…as long as we have 10-cent bottle returns!

I was reminded today of the fallacy of recycling. (So dramatic, I know…stay with me – this one’s a thinker. 😇 ) One of my favourite refilleries in town posted a fun video to social media they made of their staff running away from plastic packaging as it chased them around the store. It made…

High-End Hippie shampoo bar and conditioner bar after over one year of use

In Conversation with The High-End Hippie Wellness Company (or, How to Create Accidental Environmentalists with a Shampoo Bar)

What started out as a post to talk about how much plastic I’ve saved by switching to a shampoo bar quickly morphed into a meditation on the far-reaching positive impacts of supporting local businesses and why this particular shampoo bar goes beyond the fight against plastic pollution. Happy Sustainability Sunday, readers! Today, I’d like you…

Ocean Wins: Small Biz Love, Art-ivism, and More

Ocean Wins: Small Biz Love, Art-ivism, and More

Hi there, readers, and welcome to another edition of Wednesday Wins! This week’s wins are all are ocean wins (to me)! We’ve got some small businesses tackling waste through their products, stories of art-meets-activism, and projects combatting marine pollution. Why the Focus on Ocean Wins? Well, if it hasn’t become abundantly clear, I have two…

On the Importance of Supporting Small Business Owners

On the Importance of Supporting Small Business Owners

Featuring: Katrina Kelley, Owner at Amphitrite Studio Hello readers and welcome to the second edition of Sustainability Sundays (first edition can be found here!). This week, I’m focusing on the power and tenacity of small business owners, as a planet-saving tactic. The people (behind these businesses) I have in mind are the ones conscious about…

Marching Into the Week with Planet-Saving Awesomeness

Marching Into the Week with Planet-Saving Awesomeness

Hello friends! Welcome to another edition of Wake-Up Wednesday Wins…remember those? (hears an echo across the Internet…) The theme? Planet-saving awesomeness (what else?)! I’m not quite sure where February went, but here we are: three days into March. It’s a fresh month with a whole lotta opportunity for winnin’. So, let’s get down to it!…