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One Year

Hi readers, While I have some fun updates and posts in the works (among others: banning expanded polystyrene foam food packaging in Portland, Maine, say what?!) I have to take a second, step back and realize that holy cow…it’s been a year. A year since, um…what? Today, September 27, marks the day I left Midway Atoll,…


8 Crazy Months

Hello, blogging world! You might have noticed, upon closer inspection of this blog link, that things look a little different around here. Your eyes haven’t fooled you. Welcome to the year 2013, 7 In the Ocean! There have been a ton of changes happening in my life: personal, financial, work-related and I thought, “Can’t stop…

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What To Say?

Hello, blog-o-sphere, I always wondered why it was called that. “Blogosphere.” Who came up with that term? Oh, turns out someone actually did coin the phrase: Brad Graham. Thanks, Internet. And hats off to you, Brad, for your contribution to society. I should see if the word has made it into the dictionary yet. 😉…

Plastic and…Fungi?

Something we all know: Nature. Is. Awesome. Why are we leveling rain forests for corn and cattle, when there exists fungi that have the potential to partially solve the growing global waste-management crisis? Why are you ruining nature, big faceless corporations?! *shakes fist* Because we are in a crisis. If you weren’t aware of it five…