The Stories

Flying Above Plastics

Good news! Recently, Portugese airline Hi Fly announced that it would offer four (count ’em!) flights from Lisbon to Brazil. Seems like pretty standard stuff…planes take off every day Ryan, what’s so special about this news? Oh just that all passengers flying aboard these planes would receive no single-use plastics during the entire flight, that’s…

The Kootenay Co-Op: A Community Haven

The Kootenay Co-Op: A Community Haven

Success story time! I recently traveled to Nelson, BC – a place revered by environmentalists the world over (apparently – I’m new to Canada and still learning the ropes) and while there, we frequented a non-chain grocery store called The Kootenay Co-op, which is an independent cooperative grocery store in the downtown region. The experience…

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Oh My Pod

I’m having one of those “I’m-so-speechless-to-write-and-I-don’t-know-where-to-start” moments. Ever have them? Ugh. That’s all I want to say, but I’d like to be a bit more articulate, so here goes. As predicted, this is a rant on plastic. If you’re not feeling it, I’d suggest leaving now because I’m really digging into this one (i.e. it’s…