The Stories

Just Do the Thing!

Do you ever get totally overwhelmed by all the beautiful content on the Internet these days? Scrolling through my Instagram feed is like riding a roller coaster of emotions: first, it’s inspiring, then it gets frustrating, and sometimes I have to turn off the damn phone and walk away because I have flung myself into…

My Kind of Politics

Happy 2017 blogosphere! I’m back, I have a lot of thoughts about a lot of things, but in the interest of staying more committed to regularly updating this blog, I’ll keep this post sweet and simple. I am not going to talk about the politics currently engulfing everyone’s news feeds and social media channels right…

Inspired by Plastic

It’s a bit funny that as I try to eliminate single-use plastics from my life, I hoard 2 bins full of bottle caps, cigarette lighters, and toothbrushes. Why do I do that? Easy: it’s a constant reminder to myself that not only did I actually go to Midway Atoll (sometimes I think it was a dream)…

Bulkin’ Up

Let’s talk about how amazing the bulk section of a grocery store is. Remember when we would go to stores as kids and the idea of bulk candy was both overwhelming and so freaking exciting? I think the bulk foods section is the adult version. Think about it: you get to choose whatever you want…

Making New Connections

Hey, gang! Remember back in, oh…MARCH (almost a full year ago now, oy!), when I talked about impermanence and presence and how I wasn’t blogging very much? After that post, I wrote a few short tidbits and since then (October 2014) it’s been radio silence for four whole months. Sigh. Staying present and experiencing life…