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We Can Do This!

I can’t think of an appropriate title for this post, mostly because my brain is doing that spinny thing where too many thoughts and feelings are swirling around at once and nothing is sticking. Well, some things are, and they include:

  • Belief
  • Mindset
  • Attitude
  • Get-over-yourself
  • Just go do the thing (which I’ve previously written about)

The reason my brain is spinning out on these concepts is because of the documentary I just watched, and because prior to watching this doc, I’d been doing quite a bit of reading about how important having a positive mindset is. Then this documentary brought up mindset…cue “Twilight Zone” music. Mindset: it’s like, the most important thing, you guys! 😉

But first, the documentary. I know what you’re thinking…another f*cking documentary?! What’s new?! What concept can we possibly keep beating into the ground? Sit tight, hang with me! The flick is called “Prosperity“* and it covers all the topics: food, climate change, deforestation, human psychology, etc etc etc. The thing I love about it is that it focuses specifically on positive actions businesses are taking to not only make better products, but also to redefine what it means to even do business in this day and age. The other thing I love is that this movie takes a comprehensive look at what we as individuals can do (re: solutions), that’s more tangible and will actually make a difference now than say, recycling all your plastic bags. Which is still great and all, but this movie promotes stuff like conscious spending and finding better banks, which don’t typically get talked about in the sustainability sphere.

And back to that mindset thing…here’s something to chew on:

“A lot of people ask the question: ‘So if we can make such a big difference, why aren’t more people doing it?’ and I think the most fundamental barrier we face is really a belief that we can’t make a difference. That belief is the most dangerous belief that we confront because if we give away our power and our influence because we don’t think we matter, then we make that the reality.” – Jeffrey Hollender, co-founder of Seventh Generation

I’ve oscillated between feeling super jazzed about our species getting over ourselves and coming to our senses, and feeling super down-in-the-dumps, woe-is-me about the whole thing. What I’ve realized, after doing all this reading and now watching this doc, is that mindset is E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. Literally. I create a more positive mindset and outlook on life, and I in turn, start to radiate happiness and rainbows out into the world. Once I start stepping into my power, instead of GIVING IT AWAY, people take notice, and walk with me, side-by-side. Then there’s strength in numbers, and badda bing, badda boom: a movement is born.

I speak as if this isn’t already happening, which is totally unfair because it is, all over the place. But I think it’s worth mentioning anyway, for those times when it seems like the mountain is too tall, or the big guys have it all and life isn’t fair. We can do this! What ever “this” is. It is all possible, and it is all available. We just have to choose.

We. Can. Do. This.

*(Oh, and did I mention that documentary is free all week long? Yeah. Go watch it right meow!)


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